Monday, November 18, 2013

How To Deal With The Drunken "I Love You".

Here are the two aspects of this article that caught my attention:

1.       There is apparently an epidemic of guys drunkenly declaring their love to women; enough so that Cosmo had to write an article about it.

2.       Cosmo lays out a three step process that basically tells the reader to be like, “Hey, when you were drunk last night and said 'I love you' did you mean it”?  That is, of course, unless you don’t want him to mean it. In that case, the article instructs you to just dismiss his statement as “drunken gibberish” and hope it goes away… because that’s usually what happens after someone declares their love to you.. it just goes away.

The drunken “I love you” epidemic

We have established that there are clearly an overwhelming number of men proclaiming our love for women while being intoxicated. Do not take this personally. As men, a lot of our major epiphanies occur while we are intoxicated.

In fact, alcohol is the muse of the artist. Many great writers and painters used alcohol as inspiration. Douglas Adams conjured up The Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy while drunk. It is well known that writers such as Ernest Hemingway, Jack Kerouac, and, Hunter Thomson (to name a few) found insight at the bottom of a beer mug or martini glass. Jackson Pollock had a well documented drinking problem.
 It doesn't stop there: “Shark Week” was conceived over beers. Pet Rocks were invented at a bar! Saying “I love you” to someone you care about seems like a much better idea than Pet Rocks, and Pet Rocks were successful.

Conclusion 1:

We all have thoughts. Alcohol not only helps bring those thoughts to the surface of our brain, it helps inspire us to actually carry them out without pesky inhibitions or realization of consequences clouding our judgment. When a shitfaced man tells you that he loves you that love comes from somewhere and is probably something that has crossed his mind even before alcohol entered his system. You should hear him out…. Unless, of course, he is a stranger or exposing his gentiles; then run and find the nearest authority figure.

Cosmo’s advice

Cosmo instructs you on how to find the truth about his drunken, “I love you” statement through the advanced method of ‘simply asking him’. This scientific process of actually acknowledging these events should be applied even if you do not want the “I love you” to mean anything. That feeling of love probably came from somewhere, and just because he only found the courage to express himself through alcohol, does not mean it just goes away when you are both sober.

Unrequited love is certainly a tough subject to bring up, so I suggest grabbing a few drinks together, and returning the favor by getting drunk and telling him that, “you do not love him”. Remember to not accidentally sleep with him. This could be confusing.  

The other option is to ignore the incident, as Cosmo originally instructs, and just feel awkward and avoid all physical contact every time you see each other until you slowly fade out of each other’s lives, like an adult.

Conclusion 2:

It can be uncomfortable to talk about any subject that involves feelings, strong opinions, or that wasn't on television in the last week. If a guy tells you that he loves you it is worth bringing up the next day even if you know you don’t feel the same way. At the very least, addressing the statement will allow you to continue your friendship in which he is now, not so secretly, in love with you. This way you can be on the same page about pretending that the “I love you” didn't mean anything and isn't at all awkward. Otherwise, he will probably bring it up again... probably when he is shitfaced.