Thursday, January 19, 2012

Three Clues He's Secretly Into You

1. He makes the okay sign.
I don't think I have ever made this sign in public.. let alone at a bar where I am trying not to creep people out.

2. His thumbs point up.
Only the Fonz can get away with a thumbs up at a bar. Ayyy!!

3. He flashes the I-love-you sign.
I am pretty sure that sign is a variation of the "shocker". The guy who flashes it to you probably thinks that as well.

I will chalk this advice up as a FAIL. Lucky for you I have compiled the actual three ways to tell if a guy is secretly into you.. you are welcome ladies..

The REAL 3 Clues a Guy is Secretly Into You.

  1. He will awkwardly stare at you from afar.

Remember staring should be perceived as a complement. It means he is curious about you. It is only creepy if he has his dick out

  1. He will buy you a LOT of drinks.

Alcohol is a great way to increase our confidence while at the same time lowering a girls standards. All guys know the best way to impair a woman's decision-making is through intoxication. The more drinks he buys you against your request the more he secretly likes you.

  1. He will laugh at your shitty jokes.

If he is into you he will LOL all night long… (or until he sleeps with you or you reject him). Have a few jokes and funny faces in your back pocket to give this a shot.

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