Thursday, May 1, 2014

Cosmo Dishes Out The Juiciest Career Advice

FROM THE MAGAZINE that has brought you articles such as“25 ways to blow his mind with your mouth, “10 epic sex moves”, and “How to talk dirty” comes… career advice…?


Here is how I imagine Cosmo’s career advice by extrapolating from cosmo’s previous articles.

Potential articles for the new Cosmo career advice series:

1).   10 epic career moves. 
o   These are regular career moves with the word “epic” thrown in front of them.  IE the epic account coordinator job that eats your soul. That sort of thing. 
2).   How to look sexy in your new career.
o   This one is just an ad for Maybelline.
3).   Is your career really into you?
o   The idea is to take the attributes of an individual and put them into a company and then make you feel super self-conscious about it. IE “ I took a sick day and my career didn't even call to see how I was doing or make me any soup..”, “My career has been interviewing other candidates. I've been trying to dress extra sexy for it, but nothing seems to work." 
4).   Career moves that will blow his mind.
o   This article should be about confidence in the workplace and taking chances to move up in the career of your dreams, but instead it’s just about how wearing high heels in the office makes you look “fierce”…. You know, like Beyonce.
5).   4 careers your mother would not approve of.
o   A profile of four vague careers. IE The cool career, the stoner career, the older career…
6).   Which panties to wear for your first day of work.
o   The article will then go on to argue that your fav panties will make you feel powerful and confident and that even though no one will see them they are important. .. they are not.  Just wear a nice blouse or a Hillary Clinton power suit… Actually, sure, sexy panties are fine.
7).   Make work hotter.
o   This one’s about flirting with your hot co-worker by making silly gestures and googly eyes at him, but then never sleeping with him and just constantly fantasying about it. What actually happens is you both get drunk at a work function one night and end up sleeping together and then feel awkward about it for the rest of the time you both work at the company. Mean while, the rest of the office gossips about how Rick from the analytics team definitely saw you guys get into a cab together. Luckily, you had on your sexy panties though.
8).   How to look sexy on PowerPoint.
o   This article is a picture of 5 different poses for photos that it claims to be sexy, but also professional and safe for work. As long as NONE OF THEM ARE THE DUCK FACE then I am happy. 
9).   Clues that your work is cheating on you.
o   Cosmo has worked hard to make you paranoid about this in your personal life it is only fair to carry that fear over to your professional relationships.
§  Do you see people you don’t recognize walk through your office wearing fancy outfits?
§  Does your work have private phone calls without you?
§  Did no one tell you there was cake in the kitchen?
10).  An interview with 5 hot guys on what they look for in a career.
o   They are all models. The interview is just about what foods they pretend they eat and how they like to travel. You don’t read the article anyway. You just look at the pictures in which they are sitting shirtless in a cubicle. A move that is never hot in real life.
11).  Epic career fails.
o   “My boss asked me for a progress report, but instead I gave him an expense report. I was so embarrassed”. Again, these are just regular mistakes we make at a new job, but with the word “epic” thrown in front of them. Inevitably, the last mistake would include something like, “My boss wanted me to book his flight to a conference in Vegas, but instead I gave him a blow job”. Yes, much more interesting. No, still not career advice. 
12).  Sexy VS. Skanky career moves.
o   Anything Kate Upton, Kerry Washington, or Natalie Portman does is sexy and anything a celebrity does that Cosmo finds did soft core porn or a B movie at some point during their career is skanky. Cosmo tends to forget that most of their readers are not models or celebrities. 
13).  Advice for taking selfies at your first career.
o   Don’t.

Friday, January 31, 2014

The Boyfriend Intervention... Cosmo Style

Oh, the dreaded boyfriend intervention. The event where you formally call out your overweight, unemployed boyfriend for not changing into the person you tried to make him- The last resort.  We get it. Your friends are judging you and you are running out of time. Don’t get too desperate and drop to the level of following Cosmo’s advice though.  I still have your back!

When He’s Gained A Lot of Weight.

Yes, Cosmo, I would say the absolute best strategy for letting your boyfriend know that you think he’s becoming fat and unattractive is to lead with, “Your body is bumming me out”. What a very tactful approach. Don’t ease into it at all. Just go right for the kill. No need to make him think you give a shit about his feelings.

If a guy said that to his girlfriend that would be the start of an epic fight...wait, no, an epic battle.. as it should be. You might as well just start off the conversation with “I think you are a fat piece of shit”. Let’s use some tact here, Cosmo. Men have feelings too!

How about starting with something more subtle like:
  • I’m going to the gym. Want to come?
  • I feel like you used to be so much more active. What happened?
  • I miss your muscles (assuming he had any).
  • How do you put that in your body? Do you know how bad bacon covered [insert awesome sounding combination here] is for you?
  • Just start cooking him healthy foods and force feed him.
  • Challenge him to a diet where the winner gets a sex prize.. (that sounds up Cosmo’s alley).
  •  Lead by example!
  • Say literally anything besides “your body is bumming me out”.
If he was already overweight when you started dating him then that was just a bad investment on your part.

When He Won’t Get A Job.

The good news is that Cosmo recommends a bit of a softer approach with this subject by “bringing it up gently” and  “complementing him instead of insulting him”. I’m not sure why this is the strategy for an intervention around unemployment while the strategy for bringing up weight gain to your boyfriend is to immediately insult him..  However, the rest of their advice is.. well.. awful. Cosmo recommends that you bring your boyfriend to your work happy hours so that he can network. DO NOT BRING HIM TO WORK HAPPY HOURS.  Are you kidding me? So you can show off your unemployed boyfriend? You do not want to mix those two worlds. That is dangerous territory. The best case scenario is that he gets a job there. The worst case scenario is also that he gets a job there.

I am sure you all saw that comment coming… and there is a reason for that. Everyone knows that work relationships are a bad idea. In this situation you would be creating the ultimate work relationship. Yes, maybe he will get a job, but at what cost? I have had two separate workplace relationships. Both of which blew up in my face almost immediately.  All I have gotten from them are two stories about failed workplace relationships (great stories though).

In the end, you started dating this guy for whatever reason. Whether he was unemployed when you met, recently lost his job, or is trying to make a career change if you don’t feel like you should support your mooching boyfriend then dump his ass. Women have been mooching off of men for centuries and you don’t see us complaining. In fact, most of the reason we make money is to attract women. The only reason guys own nice things or dress in fancy clothing is for women. When I’m alone in my apartment I’m not wearing any shirts that involve buttons. In fact, I’m probably wearing clothing that I have hoarded from middle school. As a guy, I don’t decorate my home for myself or my guy friends. All I really need is an AC and a television.  If it was at least somewhat socially acceptable, I’d live in a box with just an AC unit and a television and my guy friends would come over and be like, "sweet TV. Your box has great circulation". Of course, I would never do that, but a guy can dream.

In conclusion, if you want to bring up a touchy subject about your boyfriends self-improvement don’t take Cosmo’s advice. Instead, just treat him how you would want to be treated. BOOM. Advice served. 

Monday, December 30, 2013

Cosmo’s 10 Epic Sex Moves VS. 10 Actual Sex Moves

Cosmo list’s ten “epic” sex moves that it says will turn your sex life from “good” to “whoa”. The moves are not so much epic as they are just things that some people do sometimes while having sexual relations. Unlike Cosmo, I would not define eye contact or removing someone’s clothing in a slow manner as “epic”. I am, admittedly, no expert on epic sex positions, as most of my sex moves are just variations of missionary. However, to me, an epic sex move should at least involve a chandelier or some sort of sex device that I have never heard of.

I was going to create a list of 10 actual epic sex moves, but I was afraid my imagination might scare people. So, in that light, I have removed the word “epic” and created my own list of sex moves that many of us have used and/or encountered over our sexually active lifetime, that Cosmo may or may not define as epic.

Since it’s the holidays and this is my last post of 2013, I have added two bonus moves to the list. You are very welcome!

1. Get their clothes off as quickly as possible before they change their mind. According to our in the field researchers, people have a harder time turning back once they cross a certain threshold. Being completely naked is one of those thresholds. I’m pretty sure this was covered by Malcolm Gladwell in his book “The Tipping Point”.

2. Tease him with your mouth.  Before you make it into the bedroom, talk about all the hot and sexy things you want to do to him, but once you actually get down to it be sure to not do any of them. HELLOOO NURSSEE.

3. Ambush him in his A.M. show and make him hurry up because you are also late for work. That’s what happens when you try and get a quickie in when you wake up in the morning. Still always worth it.

4. Lead him on, but don’t let sex occur. This will lead to eventual frustrated dry humping, a game of just the tip, and ultimately a quick and shameful jerk off session for him in the bathroom before he explodes.

5. Get scary crazy. Start with requesting him to bite your nipple.. hard. Then lick his entire body while maintaining a crazy look in your eyes (this is important). From there don’t hold back from your craziest, wildest fantasies. Just see how uncomfortable you can make him.  Maybe see how many fingers he will let you fit in his.. never mind.

6. Finish yourself off when he can’t get the job done. Once he’s finished, or you feel his feeble attempts at pleasuring you have gone on long enough, just do it yourself and ignore the fact that he is even still in the room.

7. Pretend you are with someone else. Close your eyes and pretend you are with your favorite celebrity, your high school crush, or ex lover. This method can be effective whether you are with a one night stand or your lover of 15 years. He will never have to know.. unless you accidentally shout out that person’s name, then he might catch on.

8. Wear your grandma underpants because it was laundry day and you didn’t think your date would get to this point. Now try and get them off without him seeing them.

9. Hook-up like awkward high schoolers. Giggle A LOT whenever he touches your body or removes an article of clothing. Have him struggle with taking off your bra. Once he successfully snaps your bra off using only one hand, be sure you both cheer. As a bonus, play the Dawson’s Creek theme song on loop in the background.  Crying can also be fun here.

10. Avoid eye contact. Especially when you are trying to finish. The idea of him watching you will only distract you from the task at hand and make you feel self-conscious. Just drift away to your magic place. He will be too busy happily having sex with a woman to notice.


11. Keep your socks on. Socks do not alter or prevent the act of sex from occurring in any way, so why bother even removing them? Plus, they are a pain to find once you are retrieving your clothing in an awkward frenzy because one of you accidentally blurted out “I love you” or brought up an ex while cuddling. Unless there’s some sort of foot fetish thing happening, there is no reason to remove your socks. Warm feet are happy feet.

12. Make farting noises by pushing your chests or pelvises together until one of you laughs. This tends to happen in the sweaty heat of the moment. Embrace it. You can even make a game out of it to see who cracks first. Farting noises are always funny even during sex.. ALWAYS.

Monday, November 18, 2013

How To Deal With The Drunken "I Love You".

Here are the two aspects of this article that caught my attention:

1.       There is apparently an epidemic of guys drunkenly declaring their love to women; enough so that Cosmo had to write an article about it.

2.       Cosmo lays out a three step process that basically tells the reader to be like, “Hey, when you were drunk last night and said 'I love you' did you mean it”?  That is, of course, unless you don’t want him to mean it. In that case, the article instructs you to just dismiss his statement as “drunken gibberish” and hope it goes away… because that’s usually what happens after someone declares their love to you.. it just goes away.

The drunken “I love you” epidemic

We have established that there are clearly an overwhelming number of men proclaiming our love for women while being intoxicated. Do not take this personally. As men, a lot of our major epiphanies occur while we are intoxicated.

In fact, alcohol is the muse of the artist. Many great writers and painters used alcohol as inspiration. Douglas Adams conjured up The Hitchhiker's Guide to the galaxy while drunk. It is well known that writers such as Ernest Hemingway, Jack Kerouac, and, Hunter Thomson (to name a few) found insight at the bottom of a beer mug or martini glass. Jackson Pollock had a well documented drinking problem.
 It doesn't stop there: “Shark Week” was conceived over beers. Pet Rocks were invented at a bar! Saying “I love you” to someone you care about seems like a much better idea than Pet Rocks, and Pet Rocks were successful.

Conclusion 1:

We all have thoughts. Alcohol not only helps bring those thoughts to the surface of our brain, it helps inspire us to actually carry them out without pesky inhibitions or realization of consequences clouding our judgment. When a shitfaced man tells you that he loves you that love comes from somewhere and is probably something that has crossed his mind even before alcohol entered his system. You should hear him out…. Unless, of course, he is a stranger or exposing his gentiles; then run and find the nearest authority figure.

Cosmo’s advice

Cosmo instructs you on how to find the truth about his drunken, “I love you” statement through the advanced method of ‘simply asking him’. This scientific process of actually acknowledging these events should be applied even if you do not want the “I love you” to mean anything. That feeling of love probably came from somewhere, and just because he only found the courage to express himself through alcohol, does not mean it just goes away when you are both sober.

Unrequited love is certainly a tough subject to bring up, so I suggest grabbing a few drinks together, and returning the favor by getting drunk and telling him that, “you do not love him”. Remember to not accidentally sleep with him. This could be confusing.  

The other option is to ignore the incident, as Cosmo originally instructs, and just feel awkward and avoid all physical contact every time you see each other until you slowly fade out of each other’s lives, like an adult.

Conclusion 2:

It can be uncomfortable to talk about any subject that involves feelings, strong opinions, or that wasn't on television in the last week. If a guy tells you that he loves you it is worth bringing up the next day even if you know you don’t feel the same way. At the very least, addressing the statement will allow you to continue your friendship in which he is now, not so secretly, in love with you. This way you can be on the same page about pretending that the “I love you” didn't mean anything and isn't at all awkward. Otherwise, he will probably bring it up again... probably when he is shitfaced. 

Monday, July 22, 2013

Cosmo en espanol?! QUE?!

Holla Cosmo- Que Pasa?!?!

That is more or less the extent of my Spanish speaking ability. That being said, I accidently picked up the Spanish edition of Cosmo magazine at the corner store (yes, apparently this is indeed a thing): because regardless of your mother tongue you should not be deprived of Cosmos magical insight and advice.

I am chalking this mishap up to the fact that I was too distracted by Emmy Rossums.. ummm.. smile on the cover of the magazine to notice that everything is written entirely in Spanish. Well, except for the huge print that says “Latin Power” instead of “Poder Latino” and the word “sexy” that they snuck in there when describing some sort of passionate night. Even I know they could have used “bonita” or “guapa” instead of “sexy”. In fact, if you live in an area with any sort of Spanish speaking community, have a Spanish speaking acquaintance, or have seen a movie with a Spanish speaking man in it you know that the Spanish language has PLENTY of words for “hot” and “sexy”. There was no need to confuse me by using an English word there. It is as if whoever designed this cover spoke ALMOST perfect Spanish, or maybe this magazine is geared towards the spenglish speaking community. Oh, and let’s just overlook the fact that Emmy Rossum is a New York City born Jew.  But, Jews/ Latinas; is there even really a difference?  - According to Cosmo: not really.

Hopefully, for the next addition, they will find someone who is actually Latino to pose for the cover of the Latin American addition of Cosmo and not just someone who looks slightly Latina.. This should probably not be too difficult. I can think of quite a few hot Latina women in Hollywood right now; Sofia Vergara, Jessica Alba, Eva Longoria.. Eva Fricken Longoria! They could even settle on someone from Miami, Florida which is close enough to South America (just trying to set a low bar for Cosmo).

With all of the above considered, it makes it very confusing for us folks who don't like to read through things to identify this issue as "the Spanish addition".  It’s like writing the English word “instructions” on the cover of a Spanish version instruction manual. Sure you could skim through the manual, but add a sexy woman to the cover and 10 out of 10 guys are purchasing that manual without a second glance let alone spot checking the content!  

 Either way, I still picked up the wrong issue of Cosmo, so the joke is still on me. In order to make this purchase not a total bust we can at least enjoy the beautiful spread Emmy did for the magazine. Feel free to try and translate a few words as well.

In conclusion, sometimes Cosmo wins.

Friday, June 21, 2013

How to Talk Dirty - An original sketch inspired by Cosmo.

It is a time honored tradition for cosmo to instill such sage advance around our sex lives. We have all wondered how things would play out  if an individual took this advice a little too seriously (which I am sure has happened more often than we would like to acknowledge). So, in that spirit


               Boyfriend and girlfriend are heavily making out in bed.
               Girlfriend suddenly stops and looks at boyfriend.

                         So, I was reading cosmo today.

                         Oh, god. Please not another cosmo

                         No, its not. I know thing's
                         have been kind of dull in our sex
                         lives recently, and I read an
                         article in cosmo that I think can
                         help spice things up.

                         What do you mean our sex lives have
                         been dull? I think things have been

                         Just trust me. This will be good
                         for us.

                         Ahhh, OK

               START SIMPLE

                         I like your body

                         Ooo, I like your body too.

                         I think about you at work.

                         I think about you all the time at
                         work, babe.

                         Oh yea, what do you think about?

                         Your smooth, sexy legs and soft
                         lips. What do you think about?

                         I think about your hard cock and
                         how you are sometimes late for


                CREATE AN ALTER EGO

                         I'm your boss, George and I'm
                         going to have to reprimand you for
                         your tardiness. What do you think
                         I should do?

                         I don't know. I'm very confused.
                         Maybe not talk about my boss while
                         we are in bed together?

                         Come on, just go with it. Do it for
                         me. For us. I need you to take this

                         OK. Fine. I'll do it for you.

                         So, how do you think I should
                         punish you?

                         Umm, like a firm warning I guess
                         should be fine.

                         How about you take your underwear
                         off and I spank you for every
                         minute you were late today, and
                         then we go file some T.P.S reports.
                         Would you like that?

                         Not at all. This whole combining
                         sex and work scenario is making me
                         feel pretty uncomfortable to be

                         Fine. Well, do you know what I


               ASK FOR WHAT FEELS GOOD

                         I want you to grow your dick by two
                         inches with a little stem growing
                         out of the side to stimulate my
                         clitoris and I want you to make it
                         vibrate inside of me while I slowly
                         wash my hair in a hot, steamy

                         I think you just described the
                         rabbit vibrator and a herbal
                         essence commercial. But yea, I
                         can't change my dick's size or shape sooo..


                         Fine, what do you want me to do to
                         you then?

                         OK, I can get into this. I want you
                         to slowly undress me and then
                         undress yourself while I watch.

                         Is that as dirty as you get?

                         And then I want you to play with my

                         Ooo, do you want me to suck on them
                         as well?

                         Yea, sure.

                         Yea, you want to choke me with your
                         balls while I finger your ass?

                         What?! Where did that come from?
                         Wait, are you still my boss?

                         I'm whoever you want me to be.


                         You want me to be a big furry Elmo,
                         huh? And tickle your ass with a
                         feather while you braid my hair? I
                         can do that for you.

                         What's up with you and my ass? I
                         asked to braid your hair one time
                         and I regret it. I just want to
                         have sex with you like we normally
                         do. Maybe do doggy style for a
                         little bit longer. We can even try
                         backwards cow girl or something.

               Girlfriend gives boyfriend disappointed look.

                                   BOYFRIEND (CONT'D)
                          And we can sprinkle in a few dirty


               Boyfriend and girlfriend start making out again. Boyfriend
               starts to kiss girlfriends neck.


               Boyfriend starts to work his way down girlfriends body.

                                   GIRLFRIEND (CONT'D)
                         Shit, fuck, cock, balls, shit,

                         Holy crap. Do you have turrets?
                         What's going on?

                         I'm just following Cosmo's advice.
                         I want to make you happy.

                         I thought we talked about you not
                         taking these Cosmo articles too
                         seriously. Remember when you got
                         kicked out of Macy's because you
                         read that article  about 10 epic sex

                         I just thought it would ease your
                         nerves if I showed you them on a
                         mannequin first.
                         But you're right. This is stupid.
                         I'm just stupid.

                         No, don't say that. This was a good
                         idea. We just need to slow things
                         down a little bit.

                         OK. Well, Cosmo had two more tips
                         that I think will work.

                         Alright, let's do it. As long as
                         you don't pretend to be my male
                         boss again.

                         I won't. I promise


               Girlfriend jumps on top of boyfriend and rubs his body
                sensually as she speaks.

                                   GIRLFRIEND (CONT'D)
                         (said in a seductive and sexy
                         1,500 people went into the
                         sea when Titanic sank from under
                         us. There were 20 boats floating
                         nearby and only one came back. One.
                         Six were saved from the water,
                         myself included.
                         Six - out of 1,500. Afterward, the
                         700 people in the boats had nothing
                         to do but wait - wait to die, wait
                         to live, wait for an absolution
                         that would never come.

                         (confused) Was that just a random
                         monologue from the movie Titanic?
                         Why would you even memorize that?

                         Holy shit! What time is it? I'm
                         late for an appointment.

                         At 10 pm?


                         Here's $8 for a ride home

                         I live here. We live together

               Girl friend starts to leave.

                         Oh, and by the way I fucked your
                         best friend.

                         Tom!? You had sex with Tom!?

                                                             BLACK OUT.

Monday, April 1, 2013

The First 20 minutes of a date: A guy’s perspective.

To be honest, I believe that the first 20 minutes of a date are overrated. Girls tend to over think EVERYTHING and guys tend to not think very much at all. The first 20 minutes of meeting someone should not make or break a potential relationship, but obviously a bad first impression creates a large hole to dig your way out of.

Cosmo gave us the first 20 minutes of a date from a girl’s perspective. Here are the first 20 minutes from a guy’s point of view.

2 to 4 seconds in.
“Hey, how are you? It’s nice to meet you”. That takes about 4 seconds when said into a tape recorder while sitting at your desk (Just trying to be thorough).  Cosmo claims that during this time-period a woman’s brain is “working two fold” to judge physical appeal and determine if there is a good personality match. If Cosmo is correct- I am both impressed and horrified. It takes me about 4 seconds to register if a door says “push” or “pull”. There is no way I can judge someone’s entire character in that amount of time.

I think the only thing I can do within the first 4 seconds of meeting someone is determine if I find them physically attractive. So, while a woman’s brain is “working two fold” to gauge whether her potential mate is a good match on a physical and intellectual level; a man is just playing an internal game of “hot or not”.

30 seconds in.
Like with any interview, on a first date, you come prepared with a few standard questions and answers. This is where you use those to avoid any awkward silences right off the bat. During this time I am focusing on eye contact (IE not checking out your breasts like I really want to) and nodding and smiling.
It is also important to note that by this point in the date I have already checked out your body for “breeding compatibility”. It is an innate behavior that, as men, we cannot escape, ancestrally speaking (so you can’t blame us).

5-Minutes in.
This is the point in the date where you start getting comfortable.. or very uncomfortable depending on how things are going. Cosmo points out that, at this point in a date, you begin mapping out similarities since you are more compatible with someone who is like you (duh, thanks for pointing this out cosmo). However, before that can happen you need to get to the comfort level where you start opening up to each other. That's why it is important to first break the ice in order to help ease any tension and stress caused by being put in a situation with a stranger who you have to simultaneously judge and try to impress.

Alcohol is the typical tool used for loosening you up, but that can often lead to poor decision making and awful first impressions (we have all been there). Instead, I find that humor is a good tool for breaking the ice. Scientifically, laughter releases endorphin's (chemicals that make you happy) and helps eases the nerves. Socially, who doesn’t like to laugh?  Luckily, humor is my social crutch so this comes naturally to me. The sooner you can crack a joke and “share a laugh” the quicker you can start to bond. I use humor to help create a bond, some guys use other methods like magic- They are called douche bags… sorry, I mean Illusionists. Just do whatever comes naturally to you.

10 minutes in.
Cosmo says that you will start to mimic each other’s movement since we tend to mimic those we find attractive. To me, mimicry at this point in the date shows nervousness. You might mimic the other person’s movements, but that is only because you want them to accept you (consciously or unconsciously). It is OK to be nervous - you have only known this person for 10 minutes, and if you are starting to like them you are grasping for ways to make a good first impression. It may be a ballsy move, but I find that just the act of verbally acknowledging your nervousness helps ease the nervous.  Plus, as a guy, it is nice to know that the girl you are out with is in to you and that any odd behavior is being caused by nerves and not utter disgust. Remember, acknowledge the nervousness as a side note and move on. Don't harp on it as the new, even more awkward topic of conversation.
Here are some things I do when I am nervous:
-          Dance or sway even if there is no music.
-          Mumble incoherently.
-          Play with my nonexistent beard hair.

20 Minutes
In cosmo’s words, “Our ancestors wouldn’t accept food from a stranger, so sharing plates on a first date shows trust”.  Our ancestors would also club a female they find attractive and drag her back to their cave.  In actuality, we accept food from strangers all the time. That is pretty much the entire concept of eating out at a restaurant. In fact, I know quite a few women who date just for the free meal. So, as a man, I usually like to have the first date at a wine bar. This way we have options:
  1. If it is bad- we can get one drink and leave immediately.. because I have a thing with ahh some friends.
  2. If things go well- we can order some food to share. Sharing food is intimate and a lot more cost effective than getting entrees at a restaurant.
  3. If things are going really well- we can get two drinks and go back to my place...?
Basically, it's good to have options so you can call an audible depending on how the date is going.

End of the night.
A goodnight kiss is always a nice way to enhance the bond…  I think our ancestors would agree with that as well.