Sunday, January 27, 2013

Because Men Know Romance

Yes, men do know romance! Thanks for having our backs cosmo. From spooning in bed to cutesy text message exchanges, I can hesitantly get behind everything on this list. That being said, you would think comso would choose a more romantic looking photo to go along with this eye opening article. Maybe a man and woman holding hands or something a little more risky like a couple’s bubble bath? But no, cosmo decided to go with this elegant picture where this man is clearly fingering this woman under her skirt in public. Now that is romance! This probably happened after a night of dry humping at a bar, which would have been at least number three on my romance list. Because nothing says romance like the smell of stale beer, and heavy petting through denim while a large group of uncomfortable strangers glare and judged you.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Cosmo answers why you are so hungry all the time

I don’t know maybe it is caused by EVERYTHING published in this magazine? This Q&A is literally surrounded by articles about dieting and exercise. Also, that cake looks delicious.. but you can’t have any if you want those flat abs and great butt like the lady on the bottom of the page.